I was invited to talk at the “Open Source Software for Business 2013” (OSS4B) conference (Speaker,Talk). The speaker lineup was fantastic and the keynotes of Gene Kim and Dragos Dumitriu were worth the travel on their own.

Gene Kim, author of the bestseller “The Phoenix Project” and expert in IT operations, security and compliance;

Dragos Dumitriu, General Manager of David J. Anderson and Associates Inc, a global management consulting firm providing Lean and Kanban solutions that improve performance, communication, and collaboration for knowledge workers.

A few years ago it was thought that to some extend of difference between test, staging and prod environments was unavoidable. Production will always have more servers, more powerful servers, production data was to big to be retrofitted to test or staging environments. So even though you had a fully functional CI pipeline, there would always be some risk left when you deployed to production. This problem seemed to be the final frontier of CI/CD, the last mile, the one inherent problem that you just could not resolve.

This talk will show how this problem can be solved using Cloud technologies (Services like AWS, HP Cloud, etc) or on premise clouds built on OpenStack plus common OpenSource CI-Tools like Jenkins, config tools like Chef, Puppet etc.

The talk will give an overview of the ideas and advantages of this approach and show some new ideas that might be impossible or hard to do without a cloud.

Edmund Haselwanter

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