This is on howto use apache ant 1.7.1 in Cruise 1.2 from Thoughtworks

Since Cruise 1.2 ant ist not bundled with Cruise. So the way to go is install either ant for the cruise user (agent), or provide a system wide ant installation.

fetch ant from“”

cd /opt

install it in a suitable place

tar -xzvf apache-ant-1.7.1-bin.tar.gz
ln -s apache-ant-1.7.1 ant

and add the following file

vim /etc/profile.d/ 
export ANT_HOME=/opt/ant
export PATH=/opt/ant/bin:$PATH

restart the cruise agent to pick up the new settings

vim /etc/profile.d/ 
export ANT_HOME=/opt/ant
export PATH=/opt/ant/bin:$PATH

verify your new settings:

[cruise@test:~] env |grep ANT
[cruise@test:~] ant -version
Apache Ant version 1.7.1 compiled on June 27 2008

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