added a sitemap and google sitemap following the great tutorial on HowToMakeASiteMap

additionally I added to my web-sitemap, not the xml google sitemap, at the bottom of the body part of the sitemap a “hack” for linking to my gallery entries:

<r:find url="/en/gallery">
    <r:galleries:each level="current">
        <a href="<r:gallery:gallery_url />" title="<r:gallery:name />">
          <r:gallery:name />

This requires to set the Pagetype for the sitemap to “Gallery”, and to set the correct base gallery.

Since i switched from my old Homepage to the radiant homepage I included the sitemap to show up in my 404 Pagetype page. This gives users and bots a hint where to find the information they searched for.

maybe you find the page here:

  <r:find url="/">
      <r:snippet name="sitemapper" />

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